Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Am Monster!

Here me roar!! RAWR! I'm dangerous and ferocious! See my fangs?? RAWR!

One day about a year ago (the Woman says it was 2010) I was playing in a cage at the pet store. The Woman tells me they arrived to buy a fish tank when they saw my adorable terrifying self up for adoption. I was in the cage all by my lonesome, looking as cute awesome as possible. The Woman took one look at me and turned her big brown eyes on The Man and next thing I knew I was in the car with them. Little did they know I wasn't all lonesome in that cage but being punished with solitary confinement! RAWR! They named me Cookie Crumb, but I soon inspired them to change that to The Lion King. RAWR! What kind of a name is Cookie Crumb for one such as I? RAWR! My favorite hobby is picking on The Girl Cats. After several attempts on my life, they resigned themselves to my presence and began to call me The Monster. RAWR! I am especially hated by that Cutesy cat. RAWR!

My hobbies include going down for a nap in my Monster Box every afternoon, making The Bug bathe my head, dry nursing on The Woman's hair, stealing her makeup and paint brushes, and challenging The Man to duels. I also like to snuggle snooze in his lap. RAWR!!

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